Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Transform Row data to Column data in sql

To Transfer Row data to column data in sql table using pivot.
For Example
1. We need to create table like below image.

CREATE table tblCountryCity
Country nvarchar(50),
City nvarchar(50)

Insert into tblCountryCity values ("USA","New York"), ("USA","Houston"), ("USA","Dallaas")
Insert into tblCountryCity values ("India","Hydrabad"), ("India","Banglore"), ("India","New Delhi")
Insert into tblCountryCity values ("UK","London"), ("UK","Bermingham"), ("UK","Manchester")

2. After Creating table and inserting data in table. we need to execute below query.
select Country, City1 , City2, City3
Select Country,City,
'City' + CAST (ROW_NUMBER() over (Partition By Country Order by Country) as nvarchar(10)) as ColumnSequence
from tblCountryCity
For ColumnSequence in (City1, City2, City3)


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